Panel Meter Change Over Switch (COS)
Electric panel
The COS (Change Over Switch) panel functions as a connecting panel and voltage breaker from the power source, this panel is generally operated manually. COS (Change Over Switch) panels can be found in Our Company.
Change over switch (COS) which functions as a medium for exchanging sources or transferring PLN power to a generator or vice versa, this type of change over media can be MCCB equipped with a motorized, can use a magnetic contactor, can also use a change over switch equipped with a motorized system or solenoids. If the generator that is being run is operating properly, then the COS is in charge of moving the connection from the previous one that was connected to PLN and it is moved manually to the generator side so that electricity can be connected to the user's side.
If then PLN returns to normal, then COS is tasked with restoring its path by moving the switch back to the main side and then followed by the operator's task to stop the diesel engine from working, and so on all control systems are controlled manually and run automatically.
For operations, everything is done manually, if you want automatic operation, for example when there is a PLN power outage, the panel will automatically turn on the generator and then move the COS position to the generator, then you must use the COS automatic panel which is commonly called the ATS-AMF (Automatic) panel. Transfer Switch – Automatic Mains Failure). By using this ATS AMF panel, all operations are carried out automatically, even if after the PLN power outage returns, the generator will turn itself off and the COS will move back to its original position.